Fostrian 1.2 — Variables!

Fostrian is a nodal data system (similar to XML or JSON) but for binary formats with support for text (string), numbers (integer, float, etc.) or even small stuff like booleans or a singular character.

What differentiates Fostrian from others is that it stores data in way more smaller way because the others are in text format while Fostrian stores everything as a binary format. Depending on encoding, a single character (in UTF-8) is 2 nibbles (4 bits x 2 = 8 bits). And it requires at least 3 (each one for < \ > characters) . Fostrian stores the exact same information on a single nibble (which determines the type of node).

In 1.0 and 1.1 releases, Fostrian files would look like this on paper:

  • Root
    • MyTextValue
      • Value1
    • NumberOfRoomsInMyHouse
      • 7

Each value would be in a subnode instead because nodes don’t have their names. Now nodes do have names and this is how they can look like now:

  • Root
    • MyTextValue : Value1
    • NumberOfRoomsInMyHouse : 7
    • DoesItStillSupportSubnodes : true
      • Subnode1 : It even works here!
      • It also supports original node format too!

Get Fostrian

Also read: How to use Fostrian


Q: Does Fostrian 1.2 support Fostrian 1.1 files?
A: Yes.

Q: Does Fostrian 1.2 support Fostrian 1.0 files?
A: No. Fostrian 1.0 is abandoned due to critical errors in it’s code and not having a version system.

Q: Does Fostrian 1.1 support Fostrian 1.2 files?
A: No, it is impossible for it to predict the future.

Q: Do I really have to update to Fostrian 1.2 if I already use Fostrian 1.1?
A: You can still stick to Fostrian 1.1 until 25 May 2024. However, we recommend upgrading to Fostrian 1.2 as they are binary capable and newer versions always will support 1.1 file format.

Q: What is FFF and what is FVF?
A: FFF stands for “Fostrian File Format“, it was the original name of the Fostrian file format. FVF stands for “Fostrian Variable Format“, which is the new variable feature.

Q: Which programming langauges are supported?
A: Fostrian is a .NET library, so in natural; Visual Basic .NET, C# and F# are supported. Currently there are no libraries for other languages but in the future we might bring Fostrian to more languages while also bringing additions to Fostrian.

Q: How do I view or edit Fostrian files?
A: With Fostrian Viewer.

Q: Would you let others to use Fostrian?
A: As long as you mentioned that you use Fostrian (so people wouldn’t think you are storing it in a proprietary format you invented and get mad at you or you aren’t stealing my “hard work”) you can use it in whatever you want.

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