March 2024 – Updates

There are few updates that I am working on for now. Here’s all of them.


I’m thinking about switching to GitLab as its more open platform than GitHub itself. Maybe in the future I might self-host it (and I do want to self-host it but my hosting provider does not have any options to do so) but for now I might just move my stuff to GitLab.

But this will take a time so you can still visit the repositories of any project to check its migration status.

Maze Game

I already mentioned that I’m working on a maze game. Currently, I realized that I can make some of the function of the game to an add-on type and also decided to use a custom file format that is also only going to be loaded when only needed. This will free up memory usage but also will randomly access data which is small.

I also adding a feature where the game optimizes stuff automatically while publishing or just loading. This way, high amount of unused obstacles won’t clog memory and the game should run more smooth.

Game will be available on desktop & mobile platforms. Still thinking about should I open-source it or make it closed-source.

New App: Labeler

I realized that I had unusual amount of files in a folder that needs to be re-organized and as far as I know there’s no app to help me so this easier so I’m making an app that helps its user to easily organize (even automate) files by previewing it on. Most of the code is ready to be used and will be released under Blue brand.

It’s source code will be available as soon as I completely finish it. It will be also available on both desktop and mobile platforms.

Vault Application

I’m working on an app that encrypts/decrypts a folder which also has viewer just like Labeler does. This can be used for anything ever, like personal information or documents that needs to be kept private for reasons (like copyright, personal information etc.). It also will be released under Blue brand.

It’s source code will be available as soon as I completely finish it. It will be also available on both desktop and mobile platforms.

BlueAir Redesign

I’m also working on redesigning BlueAir as it’s currently ugly.

Also, I’m planning on making it’s built-in downloader to be more efficient.

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